The Pahiyas Festival 2012

When my sister and my brother {who are ten years and thirteen years older than me} were still children, they were  able to go to Quezon at least twice because our relative on my father’s side has a realtive living there.

I don’t know how many Pahiyas Festival they were able to see but by the time I was born, my parents got busy with life and they didn’t go anymore. So it had been one of those listed in my bucket list to see the colorful festival in Lucban.

As you already know, the Pahiyas Festival is a very colorful festival that is celebrated every 15th of May in honor of  San Isidro Labrador/ St. Louis, Bishop of Toulouse. It is the farmers’ thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest with a grand display of colorful rice wafers {kiping}, fruits, vegetables, and handicrafts adorning every house in the town.

Just look at this house filled with kiping, rice, and coconuts!

Another one with hats!

…And this one with egg shells. Can you imagine how many eggs they ate and how they carefully removed the egg from the shell without breaking it?

A closer look…

Sayote on stick

Cyra and Ykaie tried out one of Lucban’s streetfood~ the Pilipit. Click here to check out other streetfoods.

I believe you can still use these to make Pinakbet after the festival……LOL!

It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed marveling at those decorations. The people of Lucban, Quezon are very creative people. I cannot imagine myself decorating the facade of our house like this every year.


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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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