Anembryonic Pregnancy

Blighted Ovum Pregnancy

Aside from moving to a new house, here’s another thing that kept me away from blogging and the online world….

I  suspected I was pregnant in the middle of July so I did a pregnancy test last July 16, when typhoon Glenda was currently visiting the country. The result was positive and peanutbutter and I were glad about it. We immediately planned our visit to our OB the following day..

When they did an ultrasound, they actually didn’t find anything. I got upset and thought that maybe it was a false positive and that I wasn’t really pregnant. They told me it might just be too early and that I should do a pregnancy test again after two weeks and come back if it tests positive. So that’s what I did. peanutbutter and I waited out the longest two weeks that we had. I was still experiencing symptoms of pregnancy during that time so I’m sure our test will have a positive result.  I was right! Our second pregnancy test was positive again — that kept my hopes up. After all, what are the chances of two false positives happening on me.

Blighted Ovum Pregnancy

The second ultrasound result showed that I was around 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant (meaning I was just two weeks pregnant when the first ultrasound was done). But it showed only the placenta with no baby inside.

I had a Blighted Ovum.

Blighted Ovum, also called an anembryonic pregnancy,  happens when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus but the resulting embryo either stops developing very early or doesn’t form at all.

This is a type of miscarriage and it happens in the first trimester of pregnancy. According to my research, Miscarriages from a blighted ovum are often due to problems with chromosomes, the structures that carry genes. This may be from a poor-quality sperm or egg. Or, it may occur due to abnormal cell division. Regardless, your body stops the pregnancy because it recognizes this abnormality

Since, it just 5 weeks through the pregnancy, my OB recommended that we should give it a chance and wait for another two weeks since the baby’s first heartbeat occurs around that time.

Blighted Ovum Pregnancy

We really wanted to have a baby so we waited for another two weeks but halfway through my 8th week, which was also the week we started moving to our new house, I started bleeding. I think it was my body naturally miscarrying.

We moved into our house last tuesday, then by wednesday I was admitted to the hospital for D & C (Dilation and Curettage). I was saddened by the loss of our baby but I’ve accepted that it wasn’t meant to be.

I tried to keep away from the internet and blogging for a while and kept it all to myself because I was too upset. The past couple of weeks was  really stressful for me. I felt that I’ve been dealt with all the cards on the table: both good ones and bad ones. It was all up to me how I’m gonna play with them.

Well, I’m still keeping positive thoughts. Everything is happening for a reason.


27 Responses

  1. Looking at the bright side, maybe the baby would have experienced some challenges along the way. Maybe God said it’s better if she/he came home to him muna. Then will come back when he or she is more ready!:-) hugs Peachy!!!!:-) may God bless you and your family with another one soon!:-)

  2. Virtual hugs to you, Peachy! So sorry to hear this. Two of my friends also had a blighted ovum before. My own pregnancy was even worse. My husband and I lost our first baby in 2012; he only lived for four hours. We plan to get pregnant again next year. God must have better plans for you. 🙂

  3. Hi mommy peach! It happened also to me last year, was hospitalized for d & c last sept 13. Felt upset too. I prayed and accepted my faith. By november after a couple of weeks, didnt have my period since my D & C and felt pregnancy symptoms. When i checked.. Tadahh.. Positive!!! And already 7 weeks preggy and now i have a healthy baby boy 🙂

  4. How exciting it would have been for knowing that there is somebody growing inside your womb. Unfortunately, things happen beyond our control. Sorry to hear that you’ve lost your little peanut inside. This reminds me of my sister, she’s admitted in the hospital at the moment because they had to remove what’s left inside her womb too. She was in her 5 weeks of pregnancy too when she started bleeding, had ultrasound and heard the heartbeat but the bb weren’t meant to be for them. 🙁

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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