How I Lost 40 lbs in 3 Months

How I Lost 40 lbs in 3 Months

You’ve probably seen my Facebook posts that I am on a 3-month health journey.

You’ve probably seen that I’ve been working out.

OR You’ve probably seen me in person and thought I lost a lot of weight.

Yep. I did. I lost 40 lbs in 3 months …

Why and how? Let’s start from the very beginning.

This was me last December 2016…

How I Lost 40 lbs in 3 Months

How I Lost 40 lbs in 3 Months

How I Lost 40 lbs in 3 Months

This was me in January…. at Mila’s Tokwa’t Baboy and Sisig in Angeles, Pampanga where I feasted on Chicharong Bulaklak, Pork Sisig, and Tokwa’t Baboy.

This was me in February at Jaytee’s Filipino Cuisine, Tagaytay.

Jaytee's Filipino Cuisine, Tagaytay and Our Long Friday

And this was me last March, at the Downy Parfum Event with my Kumares #KumareBloggers.

This was all before I experienced High Blood Pressure for the first time and for three consecutive nights…

I had my blood chem test done right before our trip to Camp Netanya in Anilao Batangas last March. I told my brother to text me the result of the tests. The trip was difficult for me because I had to do the adjustments to my diet right there and then.

Why? Because I was scared. I had been yoyo dieting for a year now and nothing happened because I wasn’t serious enough.

But FEAR is a great motivation.

After my doctor’s check-up, I found out that I had high triglycerides, high cholesterol, and I am pre-diabetic. Diabetes is very strong  in my genes and most of my family has it. That scared me A LOT.

You all know how much I love food. (Hello?!, The Peach Kitchen is my main blog). I love sweets, steak, porky pork pork, and carbs on carbs on carbs. But this time HEALTH became a priority. So I went cold turkey and ate a NO RICE, NO BREAD (sometimes just skyflakes..LOL), NO BEEF, NO PORK, NO SUGAR diet.

I ate a lot of vegetables, fish, chicken, fruits, — and mostly steamed food because I am avoiding the use of oil.


I tried going to the gym before and it didn’t work for me. Probably because I tend to get too lazy to go. So I just worked out at home. I love working out to Shaun T’s Hip Hop Abs. This is what I did to lose weight when I gave birth to Ykaie 9 years ago. So this is what I did again.

Since I lead such a sedentary lifestyle since then, it was hard for me to keep up to it. On my first day, I did 15 minutes and I was already catching my breath.

It gradually increase to 30 minutes, then 45 minutes….then 1 hour. I worked out for 3-5 times a week.

Oh, hello there collarbone! Long time, no see

Now, I work out for 1 hour and 30 minutes, 5-6 times a week.

On my second month into this diet and work-out, I said goodbye to my plus size clothes. I was happy because I no longer have to shop to the plus size  section in the department store and I could finally fit into normal size clothes again, after 3 years.

I realized that there really is no magic pill into losing weight. It all boils down into diet and exercise plus your consistency in doing that exercise and diet.

I know you’re also curious about what I’ve been eating these past few months. Stay tuned and I’ll tell you all about it on my next post.


25 Responses

  1. You were where I am now! Yes, I’m afraid of living a crappy, lazy lifestyle, but my motivation came from finding it hard to tie my shoes and not being able to hardly breathe! A lot of what you did, is what I’m doing now as far as diet’s concerned. I lift 4 days a week, 1 day of cardio, but I’m planning on throwing cardio in on one day when I lift. Good for you! This post is just what I needed to read!

  2. Glad you hear it was your decision to make a healthy change. Having high blood pressure would be scary and a great motivation. Congratulation on your weight loss.

  3. I am so sorry you had to undergo a scary health incident, but am glad it helped you make an awesome lifestyle change. Congratulations on your accomplishment! You look beautiful and I can see more confidence in your smile.

  4. Wow, you should be so proud of yourself! You look great and I’m impressed at how much you have lost so fast! I can’t wait to come back and hear about what you have been eating!

  5. Congratulations!! This is awesome! I really need to lose some weight. I was in a car accident last November and I have put on a lot of weight since then! What do you eat? That is my hardest part! I’m gluten free on top of everything too!

  6. I am TOTALLY IMPRESSED! I could absolutely see you SHRINKING through your photos! You are right – no magic pill just hard work and commitment! You ROCK girl! I too have lost a lot of weight and I am happy to be in a much smaller size although I hate saying goodbye to some of my fav outfits lol

  7. I started with my whole 30 diet back in January or February and it’s been amazing! There’s nothing better than to take good care of our health! I think it’s awesome that you not only lost weight but started eating healthier too!

  8. WOW! Congrats to you on your new found commitment to your health. You look fantastic, but knowing you’re healthier is the best reward.

  9. You have done an amazing job. Things haven’t gone as well as I would have hoped this year. My rheumatoid arthritis symptoms have been a pain and exercising has been difficult. When my pain is high, my depression increases. It is a cycle and I am trying to break out now.

  10. Congrats to you! Love that you persevered through!
    Can’t wait to see what foods you’ve been eating

  11. 40 lbs? Way to go! I too lose the motivation to go to the gym. I’ve been working out to Jillian Michael’s 6 week six pack for 2 years now and seriously looking to switch things up with T’s Hip Hop Abs. Glad to see that it works for you.

  12. That is just so impressive to me! I need to lose about 20LBS but I get so lazy when it comes to working out. I really would love to fit into some of my old clothes again.

  13. Congratulations, girl! I think it’s amazing that you were able to lose 40 pounds in 3 months! The transformation is amazing and I love that you’re doing this for your health.

  14. Congratulations on your achievement! Wow. That is a lot of pounds you shed! I am happy that you decided to give yourself the gift of health I should show this post to my daughter. She thinks that if she cannot shed off the post pregnancy weight, she will just keep it forever. I think you will serve as an inspiration for it that weight loss can be done!

  15. Way to go! Congrats and good for you or sticking to it. I need to get back into a healthy routine. My goal is 20 pounds. You have provided me inspiration 🙂

  16. 40 lbs in 3 months, wow!!! I lost 7 kgs in 7 weeks and very happy with the results. but I did the keto diet so I still eat meat. your diet is more strict, grabe! congrats on the weight loss!

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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