Today, we talked about the Characteristics of a Good Baby Sleep at Cafe Via Mare at the Power Plant Mall. Guest Speaker was Caren Bayhon Yrastorza of The Eating Room. This is the first time I met her and I found her really nice. She talked about her experiences as a new mom which are not so different from my experiences as a new mom. The event felt like it wasn’t an event at all but friends talking with each other about their experiences as moms.

It was so nice to see and chat with fellow mommy bloggers. I’ve already met some of those who attended but some are new faces and I’m really excited to get to know them better. They shared some of their best and worst experiences with regards to how they discipline their kids and how they introduce a routine for sleep time. One of the things that got stuck in my mind was Night Terrors.
Night Terrors are like nightmares but are common in younger children who may seem to wake up screaming and crying and are inconsolable as you try to comfort them but they are actually still sleeping.
I enjoyed this event. Surprisingly, so did my nephew kakay who wants to go to the next event….
Thanks again for inviting me, J & J and Nuffnang.
2 Responses
sad ako di ako nakasama 🙁
Looks like a lot of fun! Have lived near Power Plant Mall years ago. I loved going there. Brings back happy memories. 🙂