Stalker by definition is a person obsessed with another to the point of insanity. He would literally follow a person’s every move. Well, right now, a stalker doesn’t really mean what it used to be. What, with all the Social Networking Sites out there like Facebook, Friendster, Twitter, Plurk and more. A person could literally follow your every move while you are voluntarily sharing it.
I’m sure everyone’s stalking someone right now. Among the favorites are: your frenemy, your crush, your ex, your ex’s wife/husband, and that bitch you hate in highschool. So why do we stalk these people?? I don’t know. I don’t really stalk, stalk…but let’s take a moment and think..
Frenemy – I think we stalk the Frenemy because we want to have some reassurance that we are living a much happier/ much better life than what she has.
Your crush – you stalk your crush because you wanna know where they go and what they do, so you can “accidentally” bump into him/her at his/her fave hang-out. [So, where does Jake Gyllenhaal have his coffee again?,hee]
Your Ex – it’s either you haven’t moved on or you just want to see that they are still “living unhappily” without you so you can gloat. It’s a hell of an ego booster.
Your Ex’s Wife/Husband – If they are ‘living unhappily’ which is more likely isn’t the case, you’ll be secretly happy, I know….. but if they are just doing fine without you, then I’m sure you’ll just be envious.
That bitch you hate in highschool – well, she’s still that bitch you hate up to now Or you probably want to celebrate because she’s not that pretty anymore and has ten kids.
So, who are you stalking??
2 Responses
So true!!! Guilty as charged! Haha!
I think I am guilty one way or another hahahaha. But nobody was hurt though. Thanks for the visit!
A fly