earlier than usual. I got out of bed. I brushed my teeth. I washed my face. Then I made coffee. I cleaned up my shop, then I watched You’ve Got Mail starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.
What is it with romance movies and me these days??
Well, I need bread. Not me, silly. I’m on a diet remember? For Ykaie. I want to make pesto bread for her since she loves pesto so much. It’ll make her mornings really happy.
6 Responses
i like YOU'VE GOT MAIL. it's romantic. are you really serious about the 'diet' thing?
Ooh, I love that movie. I love how gradual the relationship of Tom Hanks' and Meg Ryan's characters grew. Not like other films where it's first meeting, then off to the bed…ew! In You've Got Mail, it's more from simple acquaintances to enemies to friends to lovers… more sensible.
Hi peach. yummy naman the breakfast …. dropping by here…
Ooo, pesto bread…that sounds delicious.
I loved that movie too… sarap kaya maging couch potato, watching romance comedy movies.. have you watched A LOT LIKE LOVE? watch mo yun baka mainlove ka na naman lol
Thanks for commenting on my post. Love your blog and of course a romance.
Plan B