I decided to enroll Ykaie to this small school near our home. I figured that I’d let her get used to the environment first before I transfer her to another school{probably a bigger one}.
This afternoon they gave her an assessment exam. Most schools give assessment exams to determine how ready the child is for school may it be nursery, preparatory or kindergarten. The child will either undergo oral or written exams or both. These exams tests your child’s cognitive abilities such as such as naming colors and shapes, sorting objects, counting objects or telling a story.

The second part of the exam was Coloring the BIG object and Crossing out the small object. Looking for the big object and coloring it was easy but it was a little hard for her to write “X” over the small objects. After all, this is the first time that she is asked to write something that has a definite shape. I was really glad she was able to write a few identify-able X’s.

The third part of the exam was the easiest for her. Encircling Similar Objects. She already loves the shape, so drawing a circle came very easy for her and she identified the two similar objects like she identified her two favorite snacks when she sees them at the grocery– like, in two seconds.
I was elated. I know I try to teach her a lot things everyday but seeing her actually taking the exam very well is very rewarding.

The Fourth Part of the exam was Coloring the Objects Properly. Red is for apple, green for the leaf, yellow for banana and so on. I guess she wanted a pink house because that’s her favorite color.

Ykaie knows how to count up to 30 but then she can only recognize single digit numbers. I’m trying to get her familiarized with double digit numbers but I guess that still confuses her. Look at #3, she was able to count up to ten but wasn’t able to point out the number “10”.
She got 52 out of 53 items correctly. One mistake.
And I am so proud of her. You probably think I’m over-reacting but I think it is an accomplishment.
She was able to follow the teacher’s instructions and she was able to answer the exercises correctly.
an entry for . This is indeed a Happy Tuesday.
2 Responses
WOW! congratulations, Ykaie!! big girl na.. nag school na eh…
Ykaie is soooo smart!