A little picture taking before we left my cousin’s house..going to Ocean Adventure.
Ocean Adventure is an open-water marine park wherein you can experience dolphins, sea lions and other rescued forest animals. It is also divided into different attractions just like Zoobic Safari.

First stop is Walk on The Wild Side Show which is shown at the Eco-Theater. The show features animals from the Wildife in Need Rescue Center like snake, cat, dog, eagle and an owl.

Here’s ykaie’s photo with the owl….

Next is The Adventures of Olongapo Jones. It is a show featuring the Ocean Adventure mascots and high flying trampoline acrobats. The Adventures of Olongapo Jones is all about environmental education presented in a fun and humorous manner.
Since we were going home that day, we only watched it for a few minutes and then went to see the dolphins.

The Dolphin Friends Show showcases the dolphins, intelligence and ability.

Ykaie eating some siomai while watching the show.

The dolphins are walking on water…

Our last stop was the Sea Lion Marine Patrol Show…

Where we had our photo taken with the super cute sea lion…

..And that concludes our Subic Bay Adventure
Ocean Adventure
Camayan Wharf,West Ilanin Forest Area,
Subic Bay Freeport Zone.