As we grow older, our body’s ability to absorb nutrients also decreases. Yet, this is the time when we mostly need those nutrients. This is why people in their 40’s and above feel a lack of energy thus preventing themselves from enjoying and living fully.
To help bridge nutrition gap among aging individuals, the solution is to boost the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. This effectively results in revitalized energy, enhanced body functions and ultimately improved health.
Fortunately, fructooligossacharides or FOS, a prebiotic, soluble fiber was discovered to aid in nutrient absorption. FOS stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria, a beneficial group of bacteria that is essential in maintaining balance in the digestive tract, paving the way for more nutrients to be absorbed by the body. The increase of beneficial bacteria also improves detoxification and elimination processes and enhances the immunse system. And since FOS is not digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract, it becomes lower in caloric value, while adding to the fiber bulk of one’s diet.
Introduced by Abbott Nutrition and recommended by most doctors as an adult nutritional drink, Ensure, with its FOS helps enhance nutrient absorption and supports healthy digestive system. Not only that, it provides a complete and balanced nutrition for healthy-aging adults who want to stay healthy and live fully. It is an excellent source of 28 vitamins and minerals, including antioxidants Vitamin C and E, selenium and beta-carotene to help strengthen the immune system and promote recovery from illness and infection.
And because of its heart-friendly fat blend, Ensure helps reduce risk of coronary heart disease, It is also low in sodium and low in cholesterol. With all these benefits, Ensure would be a good source of nutrition to aging individuals especially those who need energy boost to maintain an active lifestyle, who skip meals because of busy schedules, who are under diet modification to manage weight and who have limited access to natural healthy foods.

Celebrity couple Christopher de Leon and Sandy Andolong have been taking Ensure with FOS for many years. Both of them swear by Ensure as it enables them to prepare for their daily activities, whether they are at work or at home, and sustains them all throughout the day.
Boyet, as the multi-awarded actor is popularly known, has been a devoted fitness buff, working out at the gym on a regular basis. He relies on Ensure to give him a boost of energy while taping until wee hours in the morning or exercising late at night. Sandy, on the other hand, feels nourished by one to two glasses of Ensure, which in fact, can be a sole source of nutrition, taking the place of one full meal.
Happy and healthy together for 31 years, both feel good inside and out, thanks to the perfect combination of proper diet, exercise and different supplements, plus Ensure which complements and completes their daily health regimen.
“Drinking Ensure everyday makes me really feel healthy. I no longer have to worry about wasting precious nutrients even at my age,” said Boyet.