One of the things that I’m grateful for is technology. You see, it makes it really convenient and easy for everybody in many aspects in life. Book, movies and tv series you missed can now be downloaded on the internet. Recipes and photos can be kept. You can now talk to a relative living on the other side of the globe with just a click of a button.
My daughter’s assignment the other day is to bring a picture of morning, afternoon and evening. She is a nursery student. It was very easy to search for all those pictures on the internet and print it out. Unlike during my time, I had to search for pictures in magazines and newspapers. Cut it our and paste it in a bond paper. I also used to do my research in the library or if our encyclopedia and dictionaries at home has the information, then I’d copy from it. I even bring my own pocket dictionary in school for the English subject.
Today, the internet has all the information a student may need. The pocket dictionary I used to bring to school has been replaced by a speaking dictionary and thesaurus which makes command of the english language much easier for everyone.
You know, we already kept the encyclopedia we use at home. I don’t think we’re going to use it again.
One Response
You’re right technology has indeed made everything easier. I cannot even imagine living without it now. My work, my social life, my children’s homework and much about everything you can search through the internet with just a click of a button.