Let’s admit it, at some point or another, we run out of money just when we really need it. Borrowing money is not really an option during these times because our friends and relatives doesn’t always have money to lend. So if you need some fast cash, here are a few suggestions:
- Hold a Garage Sale. We’ve held garage sale to get rid of old toys that turned into clutter around the house but it is also a good way to turn your trash into a quick treasure. Sell clothes and shoes that you don’t want anymore or clothes and shoes that you’ve never worn for a year. Most likely you’ll never use or wear them again.

- Rent out a Room. If you’ve got a big house, why not put up a “For Rent” sign and start making cash every month through rent.
- Sell Pre-Loved Items on Ebay. Those things that are a little bit expensive and you can’t sell in your neighborhood for a much higher price, you can sell on ebay for a premium price.
- Sell Gold Jewelry. Selling Gold Jewelry is a great way to make fast cash if you really need it and you’re gonna spend it on something really important.
- Baby-sit, be an errand girl/ boy or a dog-walker. Clean houses and be a personal assistant.

Those are just my suggestions on how you can make extra money when you need it.