Jehzlau Concept is giving away a free PageRank shirt and it is really cute.
It’s very easy to join. Just make a short blog post saying you want one, then drop by Jehzlau Concepts, leave a comment and your post URL. The first 20 to do so will get a free shirt.In your blog post, you need to specify your shirt size (refer to this page for shirt sizes) and shirt type (Ladies’ shirt or Men’s shirt). And of course, you need to mention your current blog PageRank.
I want a free PageRank Shirt from Jehzlau Concept! I want a XL Ladies Shirt which says PR3 ang blog ko. {My main blog’s PR}
8 Responses
hi peach, cute ng shirt 🙂 regards
Peachy! Kay Jehzlau ka mag post ng comment, hindi sa blog site ko, hehehe! Siya ang nag pa contest, not me… Duon mo ipost itong permalink mo:
Peachy, go back to Jehzlau’s page, there’s an update, we won the pagerank shirts! However, you have to email him before Aug. 20, otherwise, your prize will be forfeited. Please, reply! Tnx!
congrats hehe
Thanks for joining! Please expect your shirt to be delivered by early September! 🙂
hello po? Congrats po sa pag kapanalo ng PR Shirt 🙂 Ang ganda po ng shirt! hehe… next time ibang PR na po naka lagay dyan hehehe
Thanks! ang cute nga eh.. Thanks for dropping by my blog…
Me agrada la noticia de que empresas como Peach and Things luchen por expandirse por nuestro país, España. Espero que tengan una gran evolución y apuesto que así sera, el trabajo bien organizado y solido, que dan sus frutos. Invito y animo a que más empresas pierdan el miedo a expandirse por nuestro planeta.
Patricia Gonzalez Vargas
Centro comercial online