Okay, so that was Wish List A down there. Those are the things I want only for my kitchen and my food blog. I have a separate wishlist that I want for my personal life.
Oh, didn’t I tell you I have multiple personalities??
…hee.. just kidding.
First on my list is this Sanuk Laurel Sidewalk Surfer. It’s just so comfy and it looks like I’m gonna have so much fun walking in it.
I need a new set of sheets and if I’m gonna be wishing for one it’s this set of the finest bedding from Sferra. They’re soft, made of high-quality fabric and this design screams Floral heaven!
{Also throw a few new curtains, while you’re at it imaginary genie!}
One Response
very nice walking shoes, like ko din yan hihi, and floral sheets attracts me 🙂