Caught In Between a Rock & a Hard Place?…. Lean on The Rock

There isn’t a single outing or microvacation that I didn’t feel guilty about. I guess that’s one of the things I signed up for when I allowed my husband to go away and work overseas.

Since he is away, he isn’t be able to go with us on outings/swimmings/ malling 90% of the time. And that sets off most of the guilt.

And with a sister who just has to see every infinity pool the world has to offer and me her eternal companion, I find myself feeling like I’m caught in between a rock and a hard place…

It’s not an easy feeling. It gives me a nagging feeling that I’m enjoying myself while my husband works his days in foreign soil — except I’m NOT… because my family is incomplete. I’m sad my husband is away. He is sad because he is away. I hate driving longer than 30 minutes… I find the list going on and on and the negative feeling kept on piling up –guilt, sadness, anger.

But I couldn’t possibly let that eat me.

I’ve read somewhere that  “If you find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place…lean on the rock

During times like these — because I’ve had many, I struggled looking for a rock to lean on.

So what to do during times like this?

I make my Gratitude List and say Thank you.

This is the rock that I lean on —

I am grateful for my husband who does everything he can for us.

I am grateful for my sister who takes time to plan out these microvacations.

I am grateful that I am being challenged with situations like this because it makes me grow.

Happy Wives Club


5 Responses

  1. It really is difficult not to feel that niggling guilt whenever you’re enjoying something, that your loved ones can’t. It’s funny how the line “I’ll enjoy this twice as much for the both of us” just won’t do anymore. I guess the best thing to do, is to always maintain a positive nature and have that vibrant energy resonate towards your partner. Hope that someday, both of you will be together… enjoying the same waves. 🙂

    Visiting you from the Happy Wives Club link up.

    1. Hi Bella,
      Thanks for dropping by my blog. I wish you left you link so I know where to hop back.

  2. We can never go wrong with gratitude. It’s amazing how quickly our spirits are lifted when we simply express our gratitude and focus on appreciating all we have in the moment. It’s a life changer -moment by moment.

  3. I can feel you. Once my husband went abroad as well so he could let me go home for a home vacation. It was indeed very selfish to think about it but I think what matters most is that if our spouse really willing to do it wholeheartedly.

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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