This blog was born because I want a place where I can chronicle photos of Ykaie and the things that happens to her and us a family.
And now, it has come to a point that I want more out of this blog that just a compilation of photos.
I want this to be about our family.
I want this to be about me — as a wife to peanutbutter♥ and as a mommy.
I want this to be about our marriage.
I want this to be about positive parenting.
I want this to about peanutbutter♥ being a daddy to Ykaie.
I want this blog to hold feelings and experiences and not just photos…
I’ve been reading a lot these past couple of weeks and I’d like to apply all that I’ve read in my life and share it with the world, except………. I have this fear of over sharing and of being judged.
I think it’s about time I let go of that fear and just share my thoughts away…
2 Responses
That was a great story, so it must be the reason why I think this blog was so personalized. And I just like it the way it is. Cheers!!!
Isn’t it nice to have a venue for our thoughts about our families and our lives? That’s what our blogs are for, so share your thoughts, and you’ll make your readers happier.