Our Staycation at The Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort and Spa {Part 1}

I had such a luxurious and grand time at the Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort and Spa back in 2011 that I promised myself to take peanutbutterβ™₯ there when he comes home for his vacation. So two months before his vacay, I made a reservation for two nights. And we woke up really early on that day because our flight was around 7am via Cebu Pacific.

We left ianne A. at the Park & Fly and managed a Chicken Alfredo and coffee breakfast before boarding the plane.

Thank goodness Ykaie is already used to flying. I didn’t have to deal with tantrums and dizziness.

Instead of a shuttle service, a private car picked us up from the airport. If I’m not mistaken, it was a toyota vios and we were the only ones inside the car. Once inside the car, we were given cold towels that smelled so good so we can freshen up.

As usual, check in time is 2pm and we were too early. We were given a card that says we were allowed to use the hotel facilities and were informed that they will call us once our room is ready. We decided to roam around the hotel first to pass the time but we received a call from the front desk after 30 minutes telling us that our room was ready and we could now check in.

Our room had a King bed and the most amazing view of the sea and the pool area…

-coffee and tea-

-the bathroom-


Just look at this amazing view that we had to ourselves for the next three days!


12 Responses

  1. I love Shang rila hotels but never been to this one! This looks good so I will consider this for our next mini vacation in December πŸ™‚

  2. What a gorgeous view! This is one of the reasons why I have your blogs on my faves list, so I can come back to it and check out places to go to when the husband has a loooong vacation from work, kelan kaya un? Hehe πŸ˜› You look amazing. πŸ˜€

  3. AMAZING! Been to Shangri-La when i was 18 years old with family, my dad got 4 free slots for one week vacation stay from his company. Thought that was the best vacation ever! The resort is beautiful and worth every minute we’re there. I promised to go there someday and until now never have happened LOL but still lots of hope in the future though. Excited for your stayed there and for sure you had the amazing time!

  4. Awe! Once again. Some lovely photos of the trip with your lovely family. This makes me reminisce the days when my husband (then fiance’) and I went roaming around the city of Cebu and checking in lovely hotels and resorts. WE didn’t stay at Shangri-La’s, but we stayed at the Plantation Bay, which was spectacular. I miss Pinas na and the beach.

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter β™₯