Random Thoughts Over a Cup of Kaffe Kreme

With a mug of coffee in my hand the other day, I’m thinking a lot about this blog and my desire to give this up. You know, close this, leave this, and get done with this. But, I also get saddened at the thought because THIS has also become a part of me.

Somewhere I can put my rants and my random thoughts. Somewhere I can put those things that I cannot categorize.

Yes, because I have many blogs, I think it has come to a point when I try to categorize my life….. and dang! it is hard!

I like to maintain this blog but I’m still deciding on what to really do with this. For the mean time, this will be my random, uncategorized, mixed blog.

This will also be my blog for the random photos I take…


5 Responses

  1. Sometimes, we just have that idea that doesn’t fall in any category. So we post random stuff just to get it out of our heads. 🙂

  2. Things do need time to think about esp when its something that you love to do, yet can’t be done because there were other priorities to think about. Why not just keep this and when you do have time, try to update i’m pretty sure your readers, would not want you to give this up.

  3. looks delish mommy Been a while I been eyeing on Krispy Crème mug because I like the color and I love to drink doughnut coffee too.

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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