Starting an Herb Garden with DOLE Garden Kit

Starting an Herb Garden with DOLE Garden Kit

You know how much I love cooking and cooking with fresh herbs. But fresh herbs aren’t always available so I make sure I keep a stock of dry, bottled herbs in the kitchen.

I have resigned to using dry herbs most of the time because I don’t think herbs like me very much. Two years ago, I tried to start an herb garden but the plants died after a week. I knew right then  that I didn’t have green thumbs.

I had this DOLE Garden Kit for sometime now which I didn’t dare touch. For some reason, I was thinking it will just go to waste because of my black thumbs.

Last Friday, when I wasn’t feeling well I decided to give this garden kit a go. I figured being busy will keep my mind of what I was feeling.

Starting an Herb Garden with DOLE Garden Kit

What’s in the Kit?

  • 12 Coir Pots with Quick Soil Mix Pellets (QSM)
  • 2 trays
  • 6 Individual Seed Packets
  • Row Markers

The seeds are: Basil, Arugula, Mint, Lemon Balm, Bunching Onions and Pepper

There should be one Quick Soil Mix (QSM) Pellet per Coir Pot. To start, you should put these in a waterproof container like a basin or a tray. Then add around ¼ cup of water to each pot. Once the water is absorbed, add another ¼ cup of water.

Do this repeatedly until the QSM has fully expanded and fills ¾ of the pot. Some QSM expands quickly, some slowly and some didn’t expand at all.

The Coir post were returned in the paper trays. These 2 paper trays are water resistant and will hold up to weeks of watering. using the point of the row marker, I loosened up the top of the QSM and placed the seed. Then, of course, I labeled it up.

Here they are! Those plants that needed full sun were placed in one of the trays and those who don’t were placed in another.

When grown and ready to be transferred, these herbs can be planted directly with their coir pots and avoid any root damage. The coir pots will decompose with the soil.

I hope I can make these herbs thrive and finally raise an herb garden.

I’m willing to buy a guitar … and play it to them… plants need music, right? hee. just kidding.


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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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