According to the Feng Shui, one needs to declutter if you want a clutter-free life. Creating a clutter-free environment also breeds a clutter-free mind.
I have been feeling disorganized and my mind has been feeling chaotic these past few weeks and I thought it must be because I’ve been keeping a cluttered bedroom. You might be wondering what composes the clutter in our bedroom. Well, it’s composed of Ykaie’s toys and my props: which includes, plates, wooden boards, grills, utensils, measuring cups, and other baking gadgets. I can’t seem to find the time to keep them off the bedroom floor.
I’m suspecting that’s also one of the reasons why I’ve been procrastinating on my exercise as well. There’s too much going on in the bedroom and I can’t seem to breathe well.
I woke up at around 5:30am the other day and I just felt like cleaning some of it. This laptop was on the floor (duh, who keeps their laptop on the floor? sheesh!) and just as I was getting this round wooden chopping board I love so much, I accidentally dropped in on top of my laptop.
And this is the result — a screen with cracks and a black spot on the lower right side.
I called the service center to ask how much it would cost me to have it replaced. Guess how much the estimated price was? ā±11,000.
Man, I bought this for only ā±15K and it even came with an external CD ROM.
I think the universe is telling me something here. I think my laptop wants to be replaced with brand new one or I have to be as organized as hell soon.
I really need a prop room.
I can still use this laptop, so I will use it for as long as it’s still alive.
4 Responses
I had a broken laptop screen not too long ago and of course even with an extended warranty, the repair was not covered. I did not do anything unusual, but then found out that Lenovo computers have a tendency to suffer broken screens. In your current situation, becoming organized sounds like the cheaper solution to be sure. I usually use the seasonal changes to declutter. Realizing we have not used certain clothing for a long time or some toys do not get used anymore and off they are to the donation site for the local thrift store.
Noooo! That’s so terrible! I hate how such a positive effort to de-clutter turned into something so tragic. I think we should most definitely interpret this in the way you did in your post. This is a sign from the laptop gods that you need to get a new computer. š
Oh no! I’ve never broken a laptop screen, but I did break my kindle. I had it lying on my bed under a blanket, and I knelt right on top of it. š
Oh nooo! I hate when things like that happen. You get comfortable with your laptop and then pow! You drop it. Or on my case, my boyfriend sits on and it completely destroys the screen!