Kiddie Garage Sale by Ykaie, Cyra, and Cyvrine

Kiddie Garage Sale by Ykaie, Cyra, and Cyvrine

Ykaie, Cyra, and Cyvrine had a Garage Sale in fron t of the house last week. They sold old toys, headbands, wallets, and whatnots which they don’t like anymore. These are things accumulated when we moved in to our new house a month ago. We chose the toys that Ykaie still liked and those that she doesn’t like anymore were thrown in a big box and set aside. The toys in the big box are those that were sold at this kiddie garage sale.

Things were sold for a very cheap price. Some are only priced at ₱1! Some are for ₱5 and ₱10, the most expensive ones.

 Kiddie Garage Sale by Ykaie

I remember how much fun Ykaie had when she had he  first garage sale (Garage Sale ni Ykaie) back in 2010 when she was still 2 years old!

I also have fun looking after them during their garage sale. I love how they anwswer when someone asks them how much an item is. I believe the garage sale teaches them enterpreneurial drive even subconsciously. Hey, they’re just children and I know to them all of these are just play.

Kiddie Garage Sale by Ykaie, Cyra, and Cyvrine

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. True. Many of our kid’s neighbors, mommies, and lolas also bought some toys, headbands, and wallets for their kids. In just two hours, 90% of the items were sold and each of them got ₱100 shares.

 Kiddie Garage Sale by Ykaie, Cyra, and Cyvrine

Ykaie’s ₱100 went straight to her coin bank. She had fun and to her that ₱100 is already a big amount of money.

 Kiddie Garage Sale by Ykaie, Cyra, and Cyvrine

The next day, a couple of these children knocked on our door, yelling Ykaie’s name. They asked Ykaie if there were some items left from the garage sale because they wanted to buy more.. heehee…


15 Responses

  1. Sigh…I have a confession to make. I am quick to discard stuff when we’re no longer using them because I can’t stand collecting a lot of stuff in the house. Now I wish I haven’t done that and thought about doing this with the kids. Such a good learning experience.

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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