Chips Ahoy Ice Cream Creation Mall Launch

Chips Ahoy Ice Cream Creation Mall Launch

We loved Chips Ahoy Ice Cream Creation so much, we decided to drop by the mall launch in SM MOA. This happened three weeks ago. Sorry! I am that far behind in sharing with you what happened to the event.

Chips Ahoy Ice Cream Creation Mall Launch

SM MOA Atrium was turned into a giant Chips Ahoy Ice Cream Creation Fantasy land. Inside was a lot of games and activity for kids. The moment Ykaie saw the entrance with all those giant Chips Ahoy cookies, she got very excited.

Chips Ahoy Ice Cream Creation Mall Launch

First game we got to try was the Chips Ahoy Cookie Puzzle you hve to finish in a few seconds….

Second, was the Make Your own Ice Cream Sandwich station, where  Ykaie was given an ice cream sandwich made with Chips Ahoy Rootbeer Float and vanila ice cream. Ykaie then rolled the ice cream into  some of the toppings available like mini-marshmallows, chocolate sprinkles, and rainbow sprinkles.

I forgot what this activity was called but Ykaie made something you can stick to mirrors or walls.

We did all the fun games and activities in exchange of the Chips Ahoy dollars which we later redeemed for souvenir items…

Ykaie having glitter tattoo on her arm.

There was a magic show during the event. While peanutbutter and I are busy lined up on each activity, Ykaie was watching the magic show on stage. There a lot of people and a lot of kids. You can tell everyone is enjoying the show. Even I enjoyed it..heehee.

The final surprise of the day was Jeron and Jeric Teng who showed the kids some exhibitions with a basketball. Ykaie wanted a photo with them but I was lined up for the balloon hat and I couldn’t just go or else, we’ll lose our place.

It took me and peanutbutter alternately in line for around an hour for this twisted balloon hat!…. but it was worth it. Can you see that smile on Ykaie’s face?

We really had fun at the Chips Ahoy Ice Cream Creation event.


5 Responses

  1. What a bright and beautiful day to join a blog hop! Just popping by to say hello and follow your blog!I’m Kat the author/editor of The Vivification of Mrs. Moment (MrsMoment.Com). VMM is a A blossoming community of storytellers weaving true tales about fleeting moments that touch our lives in incalculable ways. Plus, excerpts from my odd little life.Stop by, get involved, tell a story, or follow back. We love to welcome new writers into our community. Peace and illumination,Kat

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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