Wouldn’t you be excited and proud if your daughter told you that she’ll be playing Mrs. Santa at her school presentation? Well, that’s exactly what I felt when Ykaie told me she ‘s gonna be Mrs. Santa at the school’s chorale singing contest.

peanubutter♥ and I both went to watch our daughter sing!
I don’t have any photos of her reciting her dialogue and singing her heart out because I was busy catching it on video. And no matter how tired my arms got, I was able to record everything! Ako na ang stage nanay!
The competitors for category 1 are the nursery/kinder, Grade 1, and Grade 2 students.
The Grade 1 students won the contest! It was very creative, Kudos to the Grade 1 teachers. I know how much work, heart, and mind they put into the presentation to make it happen.
Congratulations Grade 1 students and teachers for winning 1st place in the Himig Pasko Chorale Singing Contest!