Shopping The Stress Away

To say that I have got my hands full is really such an understatement! I have recently given birth and you know how demanding having a new baby could be. Aside from the many sleepless nights, the pedia visits that I have to keep in mind, I also worry about a gazillion other things concerning my new born. I know, it should be pretty easier since I am not a new mom, but it has been ages ago since I’ve had a small baby and I feel like I am starting all over again.

My big eye bags are such obvious giveaways that I continuously lack sleep and that I am stressed on some occasions. Of course as a mother, you do not let stress get in the way of all your motherly duties. I make sure I do plenty of enjoyable and fun activities to combat stress and one perfect way to do it is by bonding with my girls. They are most precious to me and I enjoy every moment I spend with them.

Another perfect stress reliever for me is shopping, it can be online or actually going out to browse for interesting items in a shop, it does not matter, as long as I get to shop for something that I absolutely love. It is enough to melt the stress away. I am currently looking for a new bag, something big enough to carry all my baby’s essential while we are out and something that will instantly add a pop of color to my outfit. I saw this beautiful collection and I was really smitten. I love the modern and chic design, as well as the different colors and styles. I thought any mom will need one of these to complete her wardrobe. Among the many items, this lovely pink tote here is what really got my attention. I love the color and it will be big enough to carry my little girl’s essentials along with mine.

I believe that bags are so much just like shoes and that you can never really have too many. If I could I would really love to get a handful of new bags and will most definitely get a couple of cute ones for Ykaie, too! If you are just like me who love shopping for bags to de-stress, then I recommend you check out Zaful for a wide collection of fashionable and affordable bags.


22 Responses

  1. When I am stressed, I eat. Shopping is fun, too, but it’s not my first choice when I am stressed out.

  2. Unfortunately lack of sleep and stress comes with the territory of a new baby, especially for the mom who has to do a lot of the care giving 24/7! I don’t have any kids myself but I swear, being a mom is a superpower. When I’m stressed (or even sad) I do enjoy to splurge and shop even though I probably shouldn’t.

  3. It’s always so hectic when there’s a baby in the house. You have to be alert 24/7 and really, sleep is for the weak, right? Lol. But, congratulations on the new bundle of joy! I’m sure you’re also as happy as can be.

  4. I feel you. I am also a mom and i need more sleeps and i am so stressed. I love browsing item online and when i want to buy i would go to buy it. That is my first stress reliever and second eating sweets was also good to me.

  5. You and my wife was the same. She loves shopping when she’s really stress or buying online was would better to her

  6. Having a newborn can be stressful. The sleepless nights, the constant worrying, the other responsibilities you have to attend to! However, simply staring at your baby can vanish all the tiredness. We also should not forget to take care of ourselves too. Having new outfit every now and then can uplift our spirits.

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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