Natural Care with pH Care Naturals

Natural Care with pH Care Naturals

As much as possible, I choose products that contains natural ingredients versus products that contains artificial ones. So I was really glad when I received this wooden box which has my initials and contains the two new variants that makes up the all-new pH Care Naturals line. Please welcome, pH Care Naturals Papaya and pH Care Naturals Guava.

pH Care Naturals Papaya

The new pH Care Naturals Papaya is powered with papaya extract, so you get fairer skin in as early as 14 days! And since we know papaya is one of nature’s wonders when it comes to skin-whitening, you’re sure to get only the best results with the mildest ingredients.

Now, you don’t have to be conscious and insecure about the dark skin around your feminine area.

Natural Care with pH Care Naturals

pH Care Naturals Guava

Even if you’re not overly concerned with dark skin, you may still want a feminine wash made from natural ingredients that will still keep your intimate area fresh and clean. After all, in a hot country like ours, sweat can lead to discomfort, even body odor, and infection—and it’s worse when it involves the feminine area! But no need to worry; pH Care Naturals Guava has been specially infused with guava leaf extract, which is well-known for its cleansing and anti-bacterial properties. In fact, the use of guava leaves for intimate care is a traditionally renowned practice passed on from generation to generation. So if you’re among the 33% of Filipinas constantly seeking for natural solutions “down there,” then give pH Care Naturals Guava a try. It will naturally deodorize the area so you can feel confident regardless of outfit, activity, or even weather. It has quite a refreshing scent, too!

Now, you can be assured of natural care “down there”, para fresh and clean na, odor-free pa!

The NEW! pH Care Naturals Intimate Wash is available for P49.50 (50mL) and P104 (150mL) at leading supermarkets, drugstores, and beauty stores.

To know more about pH Care Naturals, check out


20 Responses

  1. I have heard a lot about these products and I know I’d love to try them once I’m done my pregnancy. They sound really great!

  2. Now this is a product I can see myself getting behind. I am going to have to do a little more digging, I am looking for more beauty based products that are good for my skin. Especially deodorants..trying to find one that’s not made with aluminum that actually works is tricky.

  3. I’m all about natural products for anything, especially down there!! I will have to check this brand out 🙂

  4. I have heard nothing but fabulous things about this line! PH Balance products are great and I think in general are much better quality than those that are not.

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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