Every day, millions of children in rural communities and urban households nationwide are exposed to health problems like diarrheal disease and parasitic worm infections. These leads to nutritional deficiencies, physical and mental stunting, and even death.
According to Dr. Luisa Efren of the Philippine Public Health Association (PPHA), the simple act of proper toilet sanitation can help prevent the spread of these germs. However, children continue to be at risk from these deadly diseases because many households still use ordinary laundry bleach to clean their toilet bowls, which is not enough to kill all toilet germs.
“A toilet that looks clean to the naked eye may not necessarily be free from germs and bacteria. So, it is very important to properly sanitize all surfaces using a germ-kill expert with proven efficacy in eliminating bacteria, and not just any ordinary laundry bleach,” Dr. Efren warned.
For the past three years, Unilever Philippines through its germ-kill expert brand Domex, has been working with UNICEF and PPHA to champion the One Million Clean Toilets Movement. This advocacy program aims to educate Filipinos on proper toilet hygiene and the need for sanitized household toilets to keep their families safe against disease-causing germs.
On November 13, World Toilet Day, Join the One Million Clean Toilets Movement in the fight against disease causing germs to save lives, one clean toilet at a time.
To learn more about Domex and how you can stay safe from disease with a germ-free home, visit Domex Philippines on Facebook.
8 Responses
We also use Domex to clean the toilet because it instantly sanitizes surfaces and works like magic without much of a stinky smell left behind. I hope more communities in the Philippines will learn and discover how to properly use cleaning agents to prevent disease.
I do hope so too!
Yes,everyone of us must need to take care of this nasty sanitation problems in our society,it’s really needed.Nice share.
Thanks Debarpan!
Never thought sanitation could really affect education. In general we should keep safety and hygiene in mind so we can protect ourselves.
It’s true.
Sanitation and hyguene are two things we cannot compromise on.
It’s true!