It took me three months before I can post up Twinkle’s 2 month old photos! Life has been hectic this last quarter of the year and it was mainly because of this little sweetie right here.
I have a major setback with work because I couldn’t do a lot of things inside of 24 hours. I am estimating around 10 hours of my day is spent taking care of Twinkle and 6 hours for chores and the rest of the family. That leaves me with 8 more hours of which 5-6 hours spent on sleeping. Heck, I get 2 hours of work time — three if I’m lucky.
There are no regrets, though. I consider myself lucky. I get to be there for all her firsts. I was there when she first smiled, I heard her first giggle — it was in the most un-ideal moment but I was there.
Many times I get frustrated because I couldn’t get a single thing done. Work is piling up, chores are in line, there’s a mountain of laundry. Lunch and dinner won’t cook itself, will they? Ykaie needs me too, there’s homework and projects, and exams! Hey, I’m just human and I get tired. I have backaches and heartburns. I wish the day would just end so I can finally lie in bed and get some rest.
These are trying times but I remain positive and instead I remind myself more and more that it won’t last forever.
This wonderful baby who needs me now will not need me come several more years. She won’t be demanding for my time and attention instead will want time for herself and her friends.
I would have too much time on my hands that I won’t know what to do with.But I’ll worry about that later…
For the mean time, I’ll enjoy each wonderful, Twinkle-filled day with her. Bask in the sunny ray of sunshine that is her smile. Listen to the music of her cooing and laughter.
Wish that each moment lasts forever….