How to Actually Get Paid To Travel and Write

This can be an amazing career opportunity

What better way of life can there be for a person with excellent writing skills when they can combine those skills with alive of traveling. In other words when you can travel and then write about those experiences without any costs to yourself. Most people dream of seeing the world and going places and for a skillful writer this may be the opportunity of a lifetime. Any person who is employed as a travel writer will be required to provide interesting information about foreign locations and they should be able to communicate their experiences with the readers of those articles. There is an almost unlimited demand for fresh and original content about thousands of interesting locations on this planet. Most travel magazines will have high standards and they would have very specific instructions for any travel writer who is in their employment. Fortunately we live in a world where there is a vast amount of knowledge which is very much accessible to any person with access to the Internet and there is also hundreds of educational institutions where a course could be done that could teach a person everything that’s important to know about the life of a travel writer. There are several things which a professional travel writer should know such as how to find interesting ideas and then how to convert those ideas to well written articles and finally you need to know where and how to market those articles.

There are many roads to success

There are many popular travel writers who has never done a single writing course in their entire lives but everything which they have learned has been learned by way of experience. In our modern environment there is a vast amount of information available to any person with access to the Internet and there are literally thousands of webpages where professional advice could be obtained regarding the live of a travel writer. Even with all of the knowledge which you could assimilate there will still be a period of testing and experimenting until you find a process that is most suitable to your specific needs. However once you have identified a method in the process which is suitable to your skills, personality and circumstances it should be quite possible for you to become quite successful as a professional travel writer. It should always be remembered that although a travel writer is essentially still a traveler their focus is completely different and for them the experience is more than just a vacation but rather they are engaged in exploration and they will be looking for those things which will be of interest to their target audience while the ordinary traveler will be focused on their own experience and enjoyment of this exotic location.

Plan your excursions very well

Do not wait until you get to your location before you start your research for that article which you will be expected to write. There is a lot which could be done even before you get on to that plane. There are literally hundreds of books which could be read which will be able to give you excellent information about your travel location. Reading about all of the attractions in that foreign city or country will prepare you to expect certain things and therefore you will find when you reach your destination that you will be automatically searching for those things which you have discovered during your research. This could save you a lot of time and effort and money and will help you to avoid a situation where you may overlook some very important attractions which may be of interest to your loyal readers. Research before you travel is often the one thing which distinguishes an excellent travel writer from a more mediocre one. When you are committed to excellence in whatever you are doing that commitment will quickly become apparent to people who read about your experiences and those people will eagerly lookout for your next travel article.  To learn more about professional travel writing please visit

Remain objective and open minded

In other words cater for a wide audience. There should be something in your travel article that will speak to the men, the woman and the children who may have access to that magazine in which your article is going to appear. In order to succeed in this regard you should consider things such as agricultural methods in that foreign country, the history of that country, the economy, and the religious observations and don’t forget to carefully research the culinary expertise of that foreign people because there will be many readers of your articles who will be very interested to learn about all of these different topics. It is well-known that many people who visit a foreign country that has a completely different culture, language, religion and way of life than your own can be really overwhelming to people traveling to that country. This is why it is important to arrive in that country as well prepared as possible in order to be able to make the best of that opportunity.


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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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