Cerelac is as Natural as a Mother’s Love

Cerelac is as Natural as a Mother's Love

Last week came this wooden box with Twinkle’s name on it. I was so surprised and kilig because it was so cute and it was personalized.

Cerelac is as Natural as a Mother's Love

But what I was more excited about is that it came from Cerelac, my trusted brand of first solid food product for baby.

For 150 years, the makers of Cerelac products are committed to helping mother’s shape the best lives for their babies, going as far as informing them of the latest processes in manufacturing bay food. They make sure that the produce used in  making Cerelac is of the highest possible quality.

They also follow a strict production process to ensure the quality of the product and also to prolong its shelf life, eliminating the need for added preservatives while maintaining it’s natural goodness and nutrients. The process involves dry cleaning and pasteurization of its ingredients to remove all water content and microorganisms. This ensures that the freshness of the product is retained for long periods of time. It also safeguards the baby food from any harmful bacteria that may come into contact.

Cerelac is as Natural as a Mother's Love

With all the solid food products for babies available in the market today, I make sure to be very discerning in choosing something that’s natural and would complement my baby’s nutrition. What goes inside a baby’s body will affect her life and health, so understanding the baby food’s content and knowing how it’s made is an absolute must.

Cerelac is ate Ykaie’s first solid food. The picture above and below is Ykaie, my eldest, eating Cerelac at 6 months. You can tell by how much she likes it my how fierce she looks as she takes a spoonful.

Cerelac is as Natural as a Mother's Love

Ykaie eating Cerelac at 6 months.

Cerelac is as Natural as a Mother's Love

Twinkle at 11 months old, trying out the new flavors that friends from Cerelac sent is last week.

Cerelac is as Natural as a Mother's Love

Wheat Banana and Milk is her favorite!

cerelac now comes in seven (7) exciting flavors to help make meal times exciting and nutritious. Packed with all vitamins and minerals our babies need and without any preservatives, moms can be assured that with ever spoonful comes pure goodness, nourishment and love.


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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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