Getting the Entire Family Excited about an Upcoming Move

There are some of families where each individual member feels extremely excited about an upcoming move. However, there are other times when everyone in the family dreads the move. Fortunately, there are some things that parents can do in order to get everyone excited about it. In addition to helping everyone feel better about the move, when you lift their spirits, everyone is more likely to cooperate, which will make your life a lot easier.

One of the things that you can do is build anticipation for the move by getting everyone familiar with what they can look forward to. If you already know what the house will look like that you will move into, talk about it. Talk about how there is space in the backyard for a swingset. Talk about getting a family pet. Talk about how no one will have to share a room or how the house will be divided so that each individual can enjoy their own space. Talk about nice things that are close to the new house, like a park, theater, or something else the whole family will enjoy. This will get everyone excited about their new location.

There are small things that you can do to make the packing and moving process much easier. For example, you can buy each child personalized packing tape that they can use on their own boxes. There are a variety of personalized tapes that are available that include pictures of cartoon characters or other things that children will love. When they see the tape and know that they can put their name on the box, they will be more excited to pack.

Make sure that everyone has a marker in order to write their name on the box and the contents of the box. This is going to make the move a lot easier. When you start unpacking, you are not going to have to open up a bunch of boxes in order to just find one item.

Moving to a new location has its pros and cons. If you focus on the positive things, the entire family will likely begin to do the same thing. When you make the move exciting and fun for everyone by purchasing fun moving items, it is likely that everyone will get on board and support the move instead of dreading it.


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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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