How To Improve Your Backyard With A Few Eco Ideas

If you have a backyard you probably know how demanding it can be from time to time. There are always some choirs that need to be performed taking you money and time. On top of that, most homeowners use their backyard for purely recreational purposes.  This means that you need to slave around this small piece of property for days without end and all you get from it is occasional swim in a pool.

Truth of the matter is your backyard can be used in a much more productive way. For example, you can install various eco solutions in it which your household can benefit from.

Here are a few of them.

  1. Water Tank

Water collection systems are as old as civilization itself. Over time they have progressed so much and nowadays we can even get clean filtered water from them. That being said, it is really puzzling that most of homeowners do not use any water collection system.

Best example is water tank. Like any other water collection system, it acquires water from rain. But this is where things change. Unlike rudimentary barrels or rainwater pit, water tank is connected to a water pump, filter and then (with a system of pipes) to your own home. This means that rainwater can be quickly accessed. Additional filter ensures that the water will be pure and can be used for drinking and taking a bath. Here’s a rich collection of pumps equipment at a decent price with 2 year warranty.

  1. Solar Collection

Unlike water collection, solar collection is a rather new concept. Anyway, it managed to pick up a lot of steam since its inception.

First regarded as unreachable (due to high prices of panels) now is really common for any household. If you have a big backyard you can comfortably put several panels here. Of course, your roof is another good option.

If you decide to make this move, make sure that your region is getting enough sunny days during the year to justify the cost of a solar panel purchase. After that, you need to ensure that sun rays are falling directly onto panels. People start installing them and they realize that the panels are completely blocked by, let’s say, house or a fence.

  1. Windmills

Similar like everything else, classic windmills have experienced a technological upgrade. Now, you can buy state of the art windmill for a fairly reasonable price and install it in your backyard. Like with panels, regions with a lot of wind have a clear advantage in this case.

Have in mind that windmill requires a bit larger surface and for property to be on a bit higher position. This can be an awesome way to generate electricity by yourself. Even though the initial investment may be steep it will pay off in time.

  1. Gardening

When I mention gardening I mainly refer to edible plants. Urban gardening has experienced a great increase in last couple of years. This is mainly due to the fact that many homeowners have lost their jobs. Similarly, we have seen fall of several big cities throughout North America.

Planting fruits and vegetables is something you can always rely on. In the end, you don’t need any special investment besides your time. And the advantage is clear: you get your own, fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables.


Even though backyards are something that most people see as “fun area” you can also do something constructive with it. Of course, it all depends on the available space but there is no real reason why you should use your backyard as a storage space or even worse, leave it empty.



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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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