Twinkle is growing and she is growing fast. She tends to be very active at home: playing, singing, dancing, running. There are times when I couldn’t keep up with her! Because of this, I have to provide nutritious and delicious snacks. I give her here favorite fruits and cookies most of the time because that’s what she likes. I know I can’t give it to her forever because there are times na nagsasawa rin sya. So what we do is we try new snacks.
Last month, we were able to try three new snacks from HappyTot.
HappyTot is one of the products of the Happy Family Brand that offers delicious and nutritious snacks for toddlers.
First thing we tried is the HappyTot Soft-Baked Oat Bar. It’s like a soft cookie bar that blends whole grain oats, apples, and spinach. It’s filled with fiber and protein. Twinkle likes this a lot. What I love about it is that it is individually packed and it’s ideal for snacking on-the-go. We bring this whenever we’re going out and she eats this in the car or after play at the mall.

But her favorite is the HappyTot Multi-Grain Alphabet Snacks. It comes in two flavors: Organic Vanilla Oat and Organic Cinnamon Sweet Potato.

She loves eating this at home, usually when watching her favorite cartoons.

This is what it looks like up close. Each cookie has a letter of the alphabet. You can practice your abc’s while snacking..heehee.

The last we tried is the HappyTot Love My Veggies and Fiber & Protein pouches that contains a FULL serving of organic, wholesome veggies, plus yummy organic fruits purée. I love that it comes in a cute packaging and because of that, Twinkle was so eager to try it. But, since she’s already two and now wants crunchy snacks she can chew, these are her least favorite. I think she would have loved this at around 1 year old.
You can get HappyTot at any Healthy Options branch nationwide.
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5 Responses
Would it be weird if I said these snacks looked really yummy to me? Hehe! I love that so many companies are coming out with quick and easy PORTABLE options for kids. These are great for summer travel!
HappyTo’s products were my backup plan for days when I didn’t have homemade meals. My kids loved this snacks.
The happy tots love my veggies are a great way for kids to get their daily servings in on the go! These would be perfect for summer travel and roadtrips!
My youngest loved these! Happy Tot is such a great brand for our little ones!
My kids absolutely LOVE these! They’re a crowd pleaser for all three in my house!