Easy Pha-Max Wheatgrass Herbal Drink

Daily intake of one sachet of Easy Pha-Max’ wheatgrass drink provides 17 amino acids, 13 vitamins, 10 alkaline minerals, detoxifying fiber, chlorophyll for healthy blood and more than 100 types of enzymes.

Easy Pha-Max Wheatgrass Herbal Drink

When I started my weight loss journey, my primary goal was to lose weight. I wanted to lose weight because I wanted to prioritize my health. I actually gained back some of the weight I lost last year but I’m currently working on losing it again. It’s so hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle especially if the people around you is not doing the same. Say, for example, I wanted to eat vegetables but everyone is eating fried chicken. Hay naku! It takes a lot of discipline and willpower talaga.


We all know that we should eat lots fruits and vegetables to be healthy. It’s because most fruits and vegetables keep the alkalinity of the body. The higher the intake of alkaline foods, the less chances for you to acquire diseases – simply because your body isn’t providing them the acidic environment they need to thrive and proliferate.

Increasing your body’s alkalinity shouldn’t take too much of an effort. Food rich in alkaline are probably already in your diet, albeit sparingly. All you have to do is increase your intake.

But of course, there are people who are not so fond of fruits and veggies. Some maybe too busy to buy their stash. If you’re one of those people, there are other ways you can introduce and keep alkaline levels high in your body. The answer? Wheatgrass.


The World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences also published a study that listed wheatgrass as an anti-cancer plant. A study Dietitian Nutritionist Cheshire Que believes in due to the plant’s high antioxidant activity.

Wheatgrass aids in clearing away toxins from the blood stream, digestive system, and liver. Its chlorophyll content helps the body produce healthy red blood cells that promote good blood circulation,” Cheshire said. “It also has more than many types of enzymes vital to the liver’s function as it breaks down harmful substances in the body, making them easier to discharge.

Cheshire added that wheatgrass is also a rich source of fiber which sweeps the garbage out of the digestive system. Not only does it prevent constipation, it also helps prevent colon cancer.

When trying to rejuvenate one’s body, balance is crucial – especially for your pH levels. Most of the food we eat daily are acidic so increasing your alkaline intake is the best aid for balance. This is why Cheshire supports the daily intake of pure wheatgrass as well. “It has the richest content of bicarbonate and alkaline minerals among grains and vegetables. Aside from that, its chlorophyll content enables the body to eliminate acids via respiration, bowel movement, and urination.”

Once your body is free from toxins, it becomes more efficient in absorbing the nutrients it needs to be healthy.


Friends from Easy Pha-Max Wheatgrass Herbal Drink sent over a box of  their Pure and Lemon variants. I tried it out and I liked it. Daily intake of one sachet of Easy Pha-Max’ wheatgrass drink provides 17 amino acids, 13 vitamins, 10 alkaline minerals, detoxifying fiber, chlorophyll for healthy blood and more than 100 types of enzymes. WOW! That’s a lot of nutrients in one sachet.

Have you tried Easy Pha-Max Wheatgrass Herbal Drink? Any feedbacks?


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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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