Diet You Must Try with Your Partner

Gone are the days when relationships were just about companionship and having a good time. Nowadays, couples are looking to build each other up and one of those ways is through dieting. The problem is relationships can be a bit difficult more so when combined with sensitive topics like weight loss. How then do you ensure you and your partner have a successful diet plan without biting each other’s head off? Read on to find out!

Set achievable goals!

When starting out on a dieting plan, it is so easy to get over ambitious and get carried away. As a couple, it would be in your best interest to set these goals together. Talk about what the both of you would be comfortable with. How much weight are you looking to lose? Which diet plan would be more convenient for you? Motivate each other! Communication is key when it comes to setting reasonable goals.

Understand each person’s weight loss journey is different.

You need to understand that your partner might lose weight faster than you. Sure, it is only normal to get envious, but this should not affect your dieting plan. Studies show that men are most likely to lose weight faster than women. As a woman, understand that it’s not about the effort he’s putting in but all about biology. As a man, understand that it is not easy for her.

Keep the competition healthy.

The point of dieting with your partner is to grow together. A little competition can be healthy, Fun even, but when the teasing becomes too much, it ruins it all. Avoid making snarky remarks to your partner, but instead offer a compliment once in a while. Don’t drill them too hard or push them past their limits. Be their comfort and motivator when the going gets tough for them.

Don’t forget to keep the romance burning.

Dieting can take a toll on any relationship, especially those that come with low libido. One of the reasons why most dieting plans between partners don’t work out is because the couple forget to nurture the relationship. In as much as this article is advocating for dieting, your relationship also matters. How about a date night once per week? Movie night maybe? Don’t get so caught up with your weight loss journey that you forget about your relationship.

Share the duties.

For some reason, dieting can cause one to be snappy and irritable. Take the pressure off your partner by helping put where you can. It could be something as small as picking the kids from school or even doing the dishes. You are in this journey together and a little help once in a while wouldn’t hurt.

Planning on dieting with your partner?

You need to understand that it won’t be an easy feat. Through these tips, you will not only manage to shed off some weight, but also sustain a healthy relationship. The most important thing is to motivate each other and celebrate each other’s little successes. Remember that dieting alone is equally difficult and you’re lucky to have someone to diet with!



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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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