Keeping your skin in good condition is tough and when you’re out shopping for products, it’s easy to get a bit lost. There are so many different products for separate issues and it’s hard to know which one is right for you. The problem is, a lot of products, especially the cheaper ones, can do a lot more harm than good if you’re not using them correctly. There are a lot of chemicals in them that might not necessarily be that good for your skin. Some people also have issues with the way that products are produced, especially if they’re tested on animals. That’s why a lot of people prefer to find natural skin remedies instead of buying products. It’s also a lot cheaper usually so you’ll save yourself quite a lot of money as well. If you’re having trouble with your skin and you feel like you’ve already tried every product out there, these are some of the best natural remedies for common skin problems.
Acne is something that most people get when they’re teenagers but most of us grow out of it. People that don’t grow out of their acne really struggle with it because it’s difficult to tackle and it can seriously affect your self esteem. If it’s particularly bad, you should speak with your doctor because there are some medications available, but there are also some great natural remedies that can help you to tackle it.
Apple cider vinegar doesn’t sound like something that you’d normally put on your skin, but it’s actually very effective for fighting acne. It’s very good at fighting a lot of different types of bacteria, particularly ones that cause infections in the skin that can lead to acne. As well as fighting the source of the acne, it’s great at reducing inflammation so spots don’t appear as red. If you have a lot of acne scars, apple cider vinegar can help to reduce the appearance of those as well, so it’s a great all round treatment for people that suffer from acne. Just be aware that if you don’t apply it properly and you leave it on for too long, it can damage the skin.
Research shows that people with acne tend to have lower amounts of zinc in their blood. If you take zinc supplements on a daily basis, you may see a big reduction in your acne, just remember that you should always consult your doctor before taking any supplements like this in case it isn’t safe for you.
Loose Skin
As you get older, it’s only natural for your skin to loosen over time. Your skin produces less collagen and your fat content changes, so your skin becomes a lot looser and that’s when you’ll start to develop more wrinkles. There are plenty of anti-wrinkle creams out there but a lot of them don’t work very well and the ones that do are really expensive. Luckily, there are plenty of natural remedies for skin tightening that work just as well. Coconut oil is a very popular product at the moment and a lot of people are using it for their skin as well as for healthy cooking. It’s great for hydrating and moisturizing the skin which stops it from sagging as much. Massaging a small amount into your skin just before you go to bed should help with sagging skin a lot.
Olive oil was used for moisturizing skin for hundreds of years before skin creams were invented and a lot of people still prefer it. It has a good dose of vitamin E which is great for tightening the skin and offers sun protection as well.
Dry Skin
Dry skin is a big problem for a lot of people and it can be hard to deal with. It’s especially important that you’re on top of it during the winter when your skin is more prone to dryness. Using a good moisturizer and applying it correctly (when the skin is damp) is important, but you can also try some of these natural remedies.
An oatmeal bath is one of the best natural remedies for treating dry skin. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which help with dry skin. Adding powdered oatmeal to a bath and soaking in it a few times a week can make a big difference to dry skin.
Milk is another great remedy, but not when applied to the skin. Instead, you need to add more of it to your diet. There is some research to suggest that the fats in milk improve your skin barrier so it holds more moisture and doesn’t dry out as easily.
Having great skin doesn’t always mean you have to spend loads of money on expensive skin products. Just try some of these natural remedies instead and you’ll be surprised at the results.
2 Responses
Thank you so much for this,this is very helpful since I have adult acne now.ill share this to my brother as well
Home made remedies is ❤️