Dark Or White, You Are Beautiful – SkinWhite

I really admire SkinWhite for coming up with a campaign about embracing your color and seeing how beautiful you are whether you’re dark or white.

Dark Or White, You Are Beautiful - SkinWhite

A couple of weeks ago, my Kumares and I got first dibs on SkinWhite’s new campaign. We were asked to come in Black or White clothes to represent if we are team white or black. I wore a black top and white denims because I believe that both colors are beautiful.

And apparently, SkinWhite does too. It’s such a brave step coming from a skin whitening brand to say that dark skin is beautiful but they did.

Dark Or White, You Are Beautiful - SkinWhite

According to Rachelle Layda, Marketing Manager for Whitening of Splash Corporation, “It’s all about choice. SkinWhite is a brand that empowers women to choose. A choice to define their own standard of beauty. If you choose to have dark skin, you are beautiful. If you choose to have white skin, you are just as beautiful. The choice is yours, and SkinWhite respects that choice

This inclusivity is refreshing and speak volumes, especially at a time when shaming and bullying is prevalent across social media. Bashers and haters abound online with no agenda but to shame in all forms and ways – body-shaming, hair-shaming, race-shaming, gender-shaming, and yes, also skin-shaming. “This is precisely the stigma that we wish to change. Skin color should not be about one being better than the other”, adds Pam Sulit, Splash Corporation’s VP for Marketing.

White and dark are both beautiful.” confirms Rachel Villanueva, Creative Director of Petch & Partners, the creative agency that created this campaign for SkinWhite. She continues, “It’s about time that dark skin and white skin get the same adoration and acknowledgment.

I used to think that White is more beautiful and I used all kinds of product to whiten my skin. But as get older and more mature, I learned to love my color for what it is and so should you. I still use SkinWhite products though because it’s not only a whitening product, it also moisturizes and makes my skin smooth.

There has never been an outright claim that DARK IS BEAUTIFUL. And for the statement to come from a skin whitening brand, it should be easy for others to follow suit. And for those who choose that WHITE IS BEAUTIFUL, there’s due acknowledgement that they’re simply taking control of their beauty too. And why not? Wear your skin, whichever way you choose. Because DARK OR WHITE, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

Watch the new SkinWhite ad:


One Response

  1. I’ve always wondered what that whitening stuff was that you see people use in viral videos. It makes me sad that people try to lighten themselves. It could be “white privilege” speaking because I’m caucasian, but I absolutely love all skin tones. I think olive, dark, tan, pale… all of it is stunning and should be embraced. Wear your skin with pride.

    This is a really brave campaign and very refreshing!

    Laura // http://www.laurahasablog.co.uk

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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