Lots of things go through your mind when you are expecting a baby, and probably on the top of the list is ‘What kind of mom am I going to be?” You can have more insight into that question by knowing your traits based on your zodiac sign. So let’s just dig in, since there are 12 signs to cover.
She has leadership skills and is good at disciplining. Born under the Aries horoscope sign, your element is fire so watch out for your temper and keep it intact.
Strong, practical and dependable. Whatever she does, she makes sure she does it well. She’s all about being a hands-on parent. She’ll make sure there’s a routine for her family.
The social butterfly of the signs. She loves to talk, and will have plenty of magical happy stories to tell her kids. Even with children with the shortest attention span, she’s able to keep them busy and is big on her children gaining information.
Cancer moms love being moms and being needed, but they can get a bit overprotective. They want to do anything and everything for their family. She’ll have to learn to let go and let her kids grow up without doing everything for them.
When it comes to guidance, the Leo mom is in command, but she’s also cool. She puts full trust in her children, but watch out if it’s betrayed. She can throw a mean birthday party since she loves splurging on her kiddies.
She’s exceptionally good at organization, so you will be great at organizing and scheduling all your kids’ activities. She has a sense of perfection, so she might have high expectations for her children.
It’s all about balance for her. She will never over-punish or favor one child over another, and will teach kids to share. Her kids will receive as much love as a discipline.
An intuitive sign, you will be able to read into your children. You will never shy away from your kids when it’s time to talk about anything serious and thrive on deep conversations with them.
An upbeat personality, encouraging and a bit impulsive. Don’t be surprised if you decide to take your kids one day to the zoo instead of school.
The career-oriented sign manages to run both home and work well, though she’ll lean more towards work and sets a great example of the working woman. She would like to see her kids challenge themselves for bigger and better things.
She is an interesting personality and unconventional. She might prefer homeschool for her young ones. She will teach her kids to think for themselves.
She is all about compassion and sympathy. She will nourish well her children’s self-esteem and dreams. There’s a high chance she’ll bring up artistic kids and being dreamy, she enjoys the imagination of kids.
Every sign has some fantastic traits ready for motherhood, as well as some traits to watch out for. Whichever sign you’re under, you’ll be the best mom when you focus on your good traits. You will watch your children grow into caring, loving and responsible individuals.
One Response
Yay. Aries is my zodiac sign momsh!! 😊