NOTE: I promised to blog about all my “Life lately” posts before the year ends but I had a problem and I cannot access this blog since November. Hence, the unfinished posts. I wasn’t able to finish it last January and February, So I guess I’m gonna be able to finish it this March.

Twinkle had a Reading Theater in school entitled Chicken Little. Yes, it’s just like the cartoon movie released in 2005.

Twinkle was one of the Foxy Loxys… hence, the costume….

This is a picture of the first time they ate at the school cafeteria shared by their adviser, Mr. Bisda. They usually just eat inside their classroom.

Ykaie’s 17th Birthday. We weren’t able to celebrate in November because life was so busy. ykaie and twinkle had a lot of school projects and she wasn’t available on weekends. It was already December nung makapag-celebrate kami at Lechoneria.

Here’s Cookie, snuggling to Christmas pillows.