Staying on top of your game is much about knowing your strengths and pushing yourself to challenge any potential weaknesses. Our ideal of perfection may not be reached some days as some days are a bit harder than others. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put your best foot forward each day. Your best today may not look like your best did yesterday. It is about maintaining a good momentum for productivity and performance. You don’t want to push yourself too hard on anything as it can lead to exhaustion or burnout. Also, you don’t want to be too lenient as you may just remain stagnant. Here are a few ways how to stay on top of your game and achieve more of your goals.
Mental Check-Ins
The average person has around 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day and most of these thoughts are reoccurring. Needless to say, there is a lot that goes on in our minds, especially our subconscious mind. You may feel motivated in one instance to do something, but then feel very energetically depleted in the next moment. You may have subconscious thoughts that contradict the positive affirmations you try to implement throughout your day. For example, if you want to lose weight, you may consciously tell yourself that you can do it. However, your subconscious mind may be telling you that the process will be near impossible. This negative reinforcement creates further resistance to whatever it is you are trying to achieve. These subconscious thoughts often stem from childhood traumas, stress, environmental factors, etc.
Seeking counseling to uncover the root of this issue is highly recommended. Julia Cannon from Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique says that with an increase in stress and anxiety, more people are seeking different forms of therapy to help them cope. Some of these forms of therapy include Mindfulness-based Cognitive therapy, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Jungian Psychotherapy, and EFT tapping. Keeping a journal is also therapeutic as well to keep tabs on your emotions as our thoughts have a huge influence on how we feel.
Establish Boundaries
Setting clear boundaries with yourself will save you a lot of time, energy and frustration. It’s quite important to know your limits and try to stay within those limits. For example, if you know that you cannot work more than 7 hours, don’t make the commitment to your boss if they ask if you can work an extra shift. Sometimes we want to exceed our limits for different motivations such as helping people, making more money, etc. However, this can affect one’s overall performance in the long run. Pace yourself so that you have the energy and stamina to do your best at all times.
Routine & Essentials
Always prioritize yourself and your well-being. Many people neglect basic needs such as eating and sleeping while focusing on their work or extending their help to others first. You can still be a noble person and put yourself first. A person can’t pour from an empty cup. So, make sure that you are at least, fulfilling your basic needs. A lack of food and sleep can lead to major detriments in emotional, mental, and physical health.
Put Effort in Your Appearance
There’s much that can be said about how one dresses as everyone has their own sense of fashion. People tend to perform better when they feel good. Our appearance does have a lot to do with how we feel and how others treat us. You can put a bit more effort into your look by taking some extra time to thoughtfully assemble what you’ll wear for the day. Experiment with new looks and different hairstyles.
No Room for Ruminating
If you have a task or assignment to complete for your job, try to finish it as soon as possible. Procrastination is the main culprit that prevents people from staying on top of their game. We often underestimate the time and become surprised when we realize that time seems to pass so quickly. You will feel so much better getting your tasks out of the way and will be able to focus better on other projects that call for more of your attention. These incomplete tasks constantly ruminate in your mind until they get done and can induce even more stress.
Things don’t always go in a linear sequence in life. However, things will go much smoother by incorporating some of these tips into your day. Exhaustion and burnout can be hard for some to recover from. So, to avoid depleting your energy, practice keeping in your limits and also giving yourself the needed self-care you require.