Car Safety – Child Seats

There’s nothing more normal than jumping into the car on a Saturday or Sunday for a family day out. Maybe it’s a short trip to the local sports field to walk the dog and get some air. Maybe it’s a slightly longer journey to an amusement park, or museum, or beach. Whatever is on the agenda, you most likely will not be thinking about personal injury spoiling the fun.

Motorists with years of experience under their belt will know all too well the potential dangers of the road. From people emerging early from traffic lights and people slamming their brakes on right in front of you when they reach the turning they wish to take, to tailgaters, lane wanderers, and people reversing without looking, it’s a jungle out there – contact a personal injury lawyer with offices in Augusta if you have been affected. Today, we’re going to look at car safety from the angle of child seats.

Little Houdini back there is going to wriggle free if you’re not vigilant 

Ever notice that asking your child to keep their arms inside their child seat straps is eerily similar to being rejected for a loan or credit card? Or at least, it would sound the same if the child could speak in bank language, which would look a little something like this: 

“Hey kid, sit nicely in your seat until we get to Grandma’s house, OK?”

“-Thanks for your recent contact regarding car seat safety. I’ve considered your request, and unfortunately on this occasion I’m going to have to go in a different direction, but thanks for your comments and I’ll be sure to keep in touch with any future updates that may interest you.”

So, how can you ensure their safety? Well, the obvious place to start is to explain the seriousness of car safety. Show them that you have to have your seat belt on, too. Also, avoid dressing your child in thick padded clothing, and make sure the straps are snug to their body – you should be able to fit two fingers under the strap. 

The seat isn’t meant to wobble

The thing about car seats is that not every seat is designed to fit every car. Or rather, the car seat will actually be designed to fit a standard space, meaning that where your car has odd shaped seats (such as a slightly raised or sunken seat), the child seat may wobble. You must be vigilant at the point of purchase in ensuring that the car seat you are buying represents a quality fit for your car. 

Check your booster seat for extendable back / neck / head support 

As your child grows, the likelihood is that their height will increase faster than their other dimensions. This means they will still fit into their booster seat, despite growing to the point at which their head is now raised above the rear support. Many booster seats have extendable supports to ensure that the seat is able to deliver optimum safety levels as your child grows. Be sure to check your booster seat and adjust the settings/height as needed. 


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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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