Yesterday, Ykaie’s teacher asked them to bring paper clocks today because she will be teaching them how to tell time. We looked for a paper clock from bookstore but the staff said they ran out of it and they had this styropor one instead. It’s bit more expensive but we bought it anyway. She immediately unwrapped it the moment we arrived at home and asked me about the clock. I can tell she was very eager and excited to learn.
This morning, she’s a lot more excited to go to school because she knows she’s gonna be able to tell time even a little bit after class.
These are the exercises at school…..
It saddens me that our internet shop is already closed. It would’ve been a good practice for her to keep tabs of the time ins and time outs of the players.
I guess I’ll just have to think of something interesting to practice her new time telling skills…
2 Responses
Maybe you can just ask her randomly at home what the time is so she can also practice. 🙂 Good job Ykaie! 🙂
Cute. I just remember the time I knew how to read it too. hahaha reminiscing again.