Ykaie and Margaux

I believe that children should have pets while growing up. They should experience how to take care of a pet, whether small or big, feed them, play with them and watch them grow.

At a very young age, I’ve observed Ykaie being fond of animals. So I encourage her by letting her keep her own pet. She had a number of pets all throughout her five years. She’s had chicks, a rabbit, an hermit crab, different kinds of fishes and her latest, a turtle.

The one in the photo with her is not our dog but my Aunt’s. That’s Tita Eva’s dog, Margaux, named after Maja Salvador’s character in the telenovela Ina, Kapatd, Anak.

Ykaie’s very fond of her because she’s one playful dog and she’s furry and cute.

Honestly, I don’t know how to take care of a dog because when I was growing up, my mother doesn’t want animals inside the house — not even a turtle. But I want to have a dog someday…

Maybe when peanutbutter stops working overseas and stays here with us in the Philippines. We need a four-legged member of the family but I need someone to help me take care of it.


One Response

  1. That’s a nice name for a pet–Margaux, and Ykaie seems to like her so much. My son has had a number of pets in the past, too, like Ykaie, but he only has fishes now. 

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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