If you can be a part of a solution to a worldwide problem, would you be willing?
If you can be a part of a cure for an illness, would you do it?
Cancer is now one of the leading causes of death in the whole world. Seeing several of my older relatives die from that illness left me a bit traumatized when I was younger. It left an imprint in my mind to properly take care of myself when I get older. As a matter of fact, I’m on a health kick this 2013. I eat and drink my greens. I exercise. I eat and drink food that are said to prevent cancer like broccoli, cauliflower, grapes, spinach and green tea.
I know there are other things that affect the growth of cancer or any other form of illness in the human body and there’s only so much things that we can do to prevent it. There are people and companies, though, who are actively and continuously doing research about finding a cure for certain illnesses. cureLauncher is one of those companies. It is made up of some of the best medical researchers and inventors that have undergone validation and site reviews by independent NIH experts. They bring these medical researchers and private donors together to find a cure for an illness that doesn’t have one yet. This way, a donor gets to be a part of finding a cure. They get to be a part of the solution to a worldwide problem.
Right now, they are actively looking for a new treatment for Breast Cancer.
You can donate to cancer research and be a part of the cure.
One Response
I hope they find a cure for cancer soon, and I hope it becomes available to all those who need it.