Things Your Husband Do That Doesn’t Matter

“Make a list of ten of your spouse’s faults, which, for the sake of your marriage, you will always overlook. You can live with those ten.”

That’s a quote from J & G Murphy, marriage mentors who are married for 34 years.

I’ve thought about that quote this one time peanutbutter and I are talking on video call, something we do everyday to talk, tell each other what went on in our day, and generally bond…since he’s away.

Most of the time, when I’m telling him something that happened to me during the day that’s also the time he gets caught up in his facebook wall or online shopping or whatever it is that he is looking on his screen. I do notice that he is listening with only one ear and he doesn’t really understand everything that I’m saying. There are times that I repeat what I just said. It could be really annoying when it happens frequently but it’s actually fine with me, unless I’m hormonal at the time..hee.

He didn’t notice this is happening until I did the same thing to him just to prove a point. See? he’s not even aware of it.

When building a relationship that will last a lifetime, one of the silliest things we can do is get caught up in the small things that will not matter in the end.  The toilet seat that’s up, the toothpaste that’s squeezed right in the middle, and the mug of coffee that just won’t walk right up to the sink.

These are just small things that you just need to learn to overlook and live with because you just love your man too much.

And I know that he probably has 20 things he is overlooking too because he loves you waaay more.

Can you think of your ten things?


9 Responses

  1. I have an obsessive compulsive disorder. imagine the horror when i finally lived with my husband. He does things that would send me to loony town before. now i just ignore it. petty fights aren’t worth it.:)

  2. there are times though that I can’t hold my overlooking on things. i just burst up but I never forget to apologize after… every relationship has shortcomings…

  3. I can name 10 and maybe more and yes I have committed myself to letting those pass. There are however some things that needs to be addressed and so I do. Communication is key to a great relationship.

  4. my husband does a lot of things that annoy the heck out of me, but he’s been doing that for 13 years now and it doesn’t bother me anymore. I accepted and loved him for who he is and little things can be overlooked when you love someone.

  5. I guess all couples have those and maybe not just 10 that I can let to pass, but communication is important to make sure whatever misunderstandings couples have will be patched right away.

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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