I have started getting two cups of coffee a day again, one at day time and one at night time. And I’m starting to feel it’s toll on my body. I’m feeling a bit more tired and sleepy during late afternoons making me want another cup of joe. This cup keeps me awake until the wee hours of the morning not letting me get enough sleep because I wake up at 6am.
I know, getting enough sleep is essential both for mental and physical health. It doesn’t matter whether you sleep in a plush bed or a sofa bean bag, as long as you get 7-8 hours of shut eye.
Here are a few tips to improve your sleep:
- Avoid drinks with caffeine before bedtime like sodas and coffee.
- Avoid watching tv right before bedtime.
- Sleep in total darkness or if you’re afraid of the dark, sleep with just a lampshade on.
- Listen t relaxing music right before you sleep.
- and last, is avoid large meals right before bedtime.
I am going to do this in the following days but the first tip is crucial one as I like drinking coffee at around 7pm. Yikes!