30 Day Picture Challenge

I think I wanna do this. Who knows? I might discover some thing about myself that I never knew before… Or it could just be plain FUN!I will be posting this everyday for the next 30 days….

Day 1- A picture of your dream car.
Day 2- A picture of your favorite movie.
Day 3- A picture of something you want really badly.
Day 4- A picture of a person you would want to be on a deserted island with.
Day 5- A picture of your favorite board game.
Day 6- A picture of your dream house.
Day 7- A picture of the background that is on your laptop/desktop.
Day 8- A picture of a plant/tree/flower.
Day 9- A picture with you and your mother.
Day 10- A picture of a random item you own.
Day 11- A picture of your favorite animal
Day 12- A picture of your favorite celebrity.
Day 13- A picture of your best friend(s)
Day 14- A picture of your favorite fast food place.
Day 15- A picture of your zodiac sign.
Day 16- A picture of your favorite outfit.
Day 17- A picture of your favorite candy.
Day 18- A picture of the last thing you bought.
Day 19- A picture of your favorite cartoon character.
Day 20- A picture of your pet (if you don’t have a pet, a picture of an animal that you want)
Day 21- A picture of your favorite food and/or drink.
Day 22- A picture of a meal you created.
Day 23- A picture of a word you use a lot of.
Day 24- A picture of your favorite clothing store.
Day 25- A picture of your favorite hairstyle.
Day 26- A picture of yourself a year ago.
Day 27- A picture of someone who makes you laugh the most.
Day 28- A picture of the person who knows you best.
Day 29- A picture of your favorite restaurant.
Day 30- A picture of your countries flag and/or troops


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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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