Wednesday is HUMP DAY

No, not that “hump” day, silly….

In the urban dictionary, a hump day is used in the context of climbing a proverbial hill to get through a tough week, meaning, you have to get over the hump to get to the much-awaited weekend.

So what does my hump day have instore for me….

1. Well, tomorrow, I will have to go to the grocery to buy some ingredients for Ykaie’s {mini} Luau Party. Good stuff like pecans, bagel chips, crushed pineapple, ground beef, porkchops and pineapple slices…

2. It’s mid-november. I seriously need to stop thinking about last month’s failed attempt to make a Creepy Looking “Out of the Grave” Cake.

This is super delicious chocolate cake with super yummy chocolate ganache sauce and a not-so-scary white chocolate hand….

Failed the creepy look but passed the taste test.

3. Next month is my birthday. If my budget permits, I am going to have my hair pampered and I’m going to grow eyelashes. A girl has to be pretty on the day she was born, right? Urberlash has an amazing eyelash serum that not only enhances the eyelashes, it makes them thicker and longer too… Yup, these are wednesday thoughts only..LOL!

4. Do a little laundry and ironing before the weekend. So after our micro-vacation, I’d have few things left to do for the week.

Weekends are made for relaxation. Already looking forward to mine…..


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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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