Facebook Envy

Envy is not my favorite sin.

I’ve read that some studies show that people now suffer from a thing called “Facebook Envy”. Apparently, it’s some kind of  a depression wherein you feel like you don’t measure up to your friends because they live such a perfect life.

Well, most people don’t realize is that people always want to be reminded of what makes them happy. So the tendency is we put up photos and statements of the positive things that happen to us like buying a new car, a new gadget or new clothes Or we put up photos of our babies, family vacations, happy couples or happy families.

Since we only see those things put up online, we assume that life is perfect for them but what we see are only one-dimensional version of other people and we tend to compare ourselves with that. It makes us feel that we don’t measure up.

Let’s face it, we all want to be the object of envy and many of us work hard to be but everybody has problems and struggles. Some are hidden or some are not, we have to keep in mind that there is no perfect life out there. I think Adam and Eve made sure of that when they ate the forbidden fruit..LOL!

I am always logged in on facebook and happy photos make me smile. I “like” positive and funny status updates.

But like I said earlier, Envy is not my favorite sin……you have to guess what it is.


One Response

  1. When I was going through my depression stage, a friend of mine advised me to logout of Facebook so I wouldn’t see pictures of happy marriages since she said it will cause me to be more depressed. But I didn’t, I continued logging in to Facebook everyday not that I want to envy other people but it gives me hope to see that if others can be happy, then I can be happy too. Facebook is where I mostly see positive things. It reminds me that problems will pass and a day will arrive that all will be better for me. 🙂

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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