I’m having a problem with my desktop computer again and I think it has something to do with the new anti-virus that I’m using. When my small internet café was still running, I was using Kaspersky Anti-Virus as my virus scanner and pc security. It was very effective and I was happy with the result but there’s an annual fee which costs around $30 per computer. It was okay and I could live with that. It’s business, I couldn’t afford even a single one of my computers getting infected.
Now that the shop is already closed and I’m just using one computer, I didn’t renew my Kaspersky and used a free version of a different anti-virus. The things is, I don’t think it’s as effective and I’m thinking of purchasing either Kaspersky or a different one.
What anti-virus are you using on your pc?
3 Responses
I only use what Microsoft /windows have installed in my PC it is hard to trust 3rd party right now
Frankly, I don’t know what antivirus we’re using. It’s hubby who takes care of that in my desktop and their laptop (their – hubby and son’s laptop). I’m so untechie. Lol!
actually I have no idea! I maybe techy kinda with blogging but other than that, I am completely noob..no not noob, as in walang kaalam alam sa mga techy stuff LOL pag may hindi ako naintindihan, sisigaw na ako ng DADDDDDDYYYYY! wahahaha