Pregnancy: Most Important Period in Women’s Lives

Every woman dreams to be a mom. Every woman dreams about lovely kids. Every woman dreams to hear: “Mommy, I love you! Mommy, you are the best!”…Time passes, circumstances change…Various events change our life. There are two main periods in our life: before and after pregnancy. Pregnancy is the most important period in women’s life.

Since ancient times, pregnancy has been associated with joy and happiness! Pregnancy makes us happy. Pregnancy makes use smiling. Pregnancy makes us healthier. Pregnancy is an awesome experience. Pregnancy is a wonderful thing. Find other moms and share your happiness!

All mothers love to spend time with their children. All mothers are crazy about their children. All mothers believe their children are the best! Mothers will always love their children! Mothers will always support their children! Mothers will always and understand their children! Mothers will do everything for their children’s happiness! There is nothing more powerful than a mother’s love. A mother’s love is the purest love. Countless poems, tales and legends have been written in honor of a mother’s love. A mother’s love… “It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain; it is endless and unselfish…”

Fear, depression, anxiety, fatigue….All pregnant women have the same issues. All pregnant women have the same feelings. From time to time, all pregnant women need support. You are not alone! Other moms are happy to support you! There are many factors to consider being pregnant. You need to control your nutrition…You need to prepare a nursery your child…You need to buy clothes, toys, buggy…. Other moms are happy to help you! Other moms are happy to provide you smart tips!

Happily, we live in the 21st century, in the age of the Internet. The Internet has simplified our life. Today, you will be amazed by a lot of mom’s posts to your advantage. Today, you will be amazed by many online forums for moms. These days, it’s easy to find new friends for mothers. These days, it’s easy to find important information for mothers. These days, it’s easy to find a good job for mothers. Take advantage of other mom’s experience! Find other moms and improve your knowledge! Find other moms and improve your finances!

Certainly, every mom dream to communicate with other moms… Certainly, every mom wants to share her knowledge and experience… Certainly, every mom wants to talk about her children…The first words, the first birthday, the first steps… It’s important to find someone, who understands you! Find other moms! If you want to find other moms, you are in the right place. Pregnant women, single mothers, moms with toddlers, stay-at-home mothers, moms with little


12 Responses

  1. Oh that is so true! Every pregnant woman needs a strong support because it’s not really just the hormones, but sometimes, circumstances can be too overwhelming. You want to keep a cheerful disposition for the baby’s sake – and it sometimes takes good friends and a loving family to be able to do that.:)

  2. I also agree! A strong support group is an essential for preggies and mommies alike! I wish I had one when I was still pregnant with Choi. I went through rough patches when I was pregnant, our house got burned in a fire and felt depressed, I had to learn to deal with it all on my own. But I’m ok now and I’m glad I have met other mommy friends to help 🙂

  3. First, I’m very sorry that you are going thru this and I hope the best for you. I had a successful pencnargy after 4 miscarriages. And one of them was a chemical pencnargy. I would always miscarry around 6 weeks. I finally found a doctor then ran the right tests and found out what the problem was. My progesterone levels were too low. I was blessed with a healthy baby boy. My advice is keep trying and as hard as it is try not to worry too much. There are some great doctors out there that can help you figure out the best plan for you. Wishing you the best of luck!

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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