Aid in the Creative Process with Inspiring Acoustic Treatment

The creative process is different for everyone, but there are still a couple things that seem to be universally needed, at least in a general sense. While it’s an abstract idea, especially when it comes to the arts, nothing is created without inspiration.

In the world of music, world-famous songs have been written on the bus, in the bathroom, and have even come to musicians in dreams while asleep. Often these are born due to people and experiences, but it’s important to not forget the role of environment in the creative process.

Whether a workspace is intended to be enervating, calming, mind-clearing, or stimulating, places can certainly have an impact on the thought-process that leads to creative inspiration. This is true in recording, mixing, and mastering music as well. And while the framework of recorded music typically doesn’t happen in places like mountaintops or sandy beaches, studios and mix rooms can still be customized to create the right creative environment for an artist.

In addition to the furniture and layout of a room, acoustic treatment – necessary to the technical aspect of music – is a popular method of customization and inspiration in a workspace. Acoustical foam is readily available in various colors and patterns that can be mixed and matched to create all kinds of patterns and aesthetics, all while helping to improve the sound quality of the room, and in-turn, the recording being worked on.

Bass traps and panels hung on walls are another popular method of creative inspiration in workspaces. Needing to be covered with a fabric to keep insulation particles contained, panels can be customized in color, and more recently, dying methods lets the fabric be turned into a painting-style print for even more customization.

Article submitted by The Foam Factory, an online retailer of open-cell acoustic foam treatment, with wedge, pyramid, and eggcrate wall panels, corner absorbers, and more!



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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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